My Career in Computing

My career in programming and software development spans more than 30 years. Over that time, I have transitioned from one technology platform to another many times. Rarely have I used the same technologies for more than a few years. While I had only a few employers over the years, I had many jobs.

The menu at left contains links to artifacts illustrating some of the things I have created.

Artifact Descriptions

A general version of my resume.
Links to copies of the research papers I co-authored.
Research Projects
Descriptions of some of the projects I worked on while at ISI.
This area contains the slides and other artifacts from presentations I have given.
MSCS Classes
Artifacts from my work at LMU.
2005 Portfolio
These code samples were put together in 2005 during my job search after graduating from LMU.

Contact Information

Use the "Contact" link in the menu on the left. If it isn't there, it is because you have JavaScript disabled. Enable JavaScript and reload the page to get the link.

Things to Come

I will augment this site as time and energy permit.

Last updated Sunday, February 8, 2015.