Talks and Presentations


This page links to notes and slides for some presentations that I have given to user groups in the area. As technology can change quickly, the content of these talks can be dated just as quickly. The slides are likely of little use to anyone who was not at the sessions for which the slides were used.

A presention I gave to the Parallel Programming class, CSCI 503, at USC. March 8, 2010.
Large-Scale Simulation Experimentation and Analysis: Database Programming Using Java
A presentation I gave covering some of the work performed during 2005 and 2006 at my job with USC.
C/C++ Buffer Overflows
Presented to the Unix Users Association of Southern California (UUASC) June 13, 2005.
Java on Mac OS X: Insanely Great or Just Insane?
Presented to the Los Angeles Java Users Group (LAJUG) April 2, 2002.